Divide up into 2 teams (7 players in each one). The teams number off and form up in file. At the distance of 4 steps from the first the player of each team there stands a chair. On the seat of the chair there are 6 small twigs, on the back of it there is a string, near the chair there is a dustpan. Behind the chairs the instructor throws little pieces of paper. The instructor addresses the teams. He/she asks them to sweep the floor. But the besom is unfortunately missed. So the players must make it themselves. To make the besom all the players (beginning with the last in the line) run to the chair one by one, take each a twig and give it to the first player. When the first player has all the twigs in the hands he/she runs to the chair, takes a string, binds the besom and gives it to the last player in the team. The last player takes the besom, runs to the chair, takes a dustpan and gathers all the pieces of paper into the dustpan. The team which finishes "the tiding-up" the first wins the game.