Divide up into 2 teams (6 players in each one). Choose 3 persons for a jury. The teams number off. Each player must remember his/her number. The players form up 2 lines in file. The distance between the lines is 6-8 steps. Between the lines there stand 3 chairs. The first chair is "a bus", the second - is "a tram", the third - is "a trolley-bus". The instructor starts speaking: "It's early, early morning. All the people are hurrying to work. There are many people at the bus-stops. Now in the distance I see... I see... What do I see... Well, it's number 3 bus." His/her words the instructor pronounces quickly. Both numbers "3" must take place on the first chair. The player who takes the place the first brings a point to his/her team. Numbers "3" return to their places. The instructor continues: "There were so many people at the bus stop, that only 2 people managed to take the bus. (The instructor marks out the words "two" and "bus".) All the rest must wait again for the bus. Now I see number 1... tram (both numbers "1" must take place on the second chair) etc.