Divide up into 2-3 teams (5 players in each one). The teams form up in lines. The last player in each line gets a coin. He/she puts it on the back of the hand. The task is to put the coin on the back of the hand of the player next to without the assistance of the other hand. The players pass the coin until the first player in the line gets it. If the coin is dropped, the player who dropped it must put it again on the back of his/her hand. At the distance of 7-10 meters in front of each team there stands a chair. On the chair there are 10 tennis balls. The first player of each team gets the spoon and runs to the chair. There he/she puts a coin on the seat of the chair, picks up a ball with the help of the spoon, runs to his/her team, puts the ball into the packet and passes the spoon to the next player. The team which "buys up" all the balls the first wins the game.