Divide players into groups of three. The first player in each team is "a squirrel", the second is "a nut", the third is "a cone". Each team, which consists of "a squirrel, a cone", and "a nut" links their arms, forming a little circle. The leader is in the center of the playing ground. The leader cries: "Squirrels!" and all the players named as "squirrels" must exchange their places. While they are changing the leader tries to occupy any of the vacant places. If he/she manages to do it he/she becomes "the squirrel" and the former "squirrel", who has no place becomes the leader. At the command "Nuts!" or "Cones!" The players exchange the places accordingly. When the game is in full swing the leader may command: "Squirrels, nuts, cones!" Then all the players must exchange their places. Here you may stop the game.