Outline the playing ground (approximately 10m x 12m) - "the sea". Near it outline the less ground - "the ice - floe". 2 players are "polar bears", whose place is "the ice - floe". All the rest players are "the bear cubs". They take up their positions on the large playing ground - "the sea". On hearing "the signal" "the polar bears" begin to catch "the bear cubs" ("The polar bears" link their arms and catch "the bear cubs "so that they are between their linked arms). The captured "bear cub" is led to "the ice - floe". When there are 2 "bear cubs" on "the ice - floe" they may also catch "the bear cubs". The game continues until all 'the bear cubs" are caught. The player who is caught the last is considered to be the deftest. The rules of the game. The players who run out the playing ground are considered to be caught and they must go to "the ice - floe". "The polar bears mustn't grab the players at their clothes or hands. They may only encircle them. The captured "bear cubs" mustn't tear themselves away from "the polar bears".