Each player takes a twig. Then the players choose "a witch". "The witch" must be the deftest player. At first "the witch" draws the line of border of her camp. All the rest players are out of the camp, they mustn't walk there. Then the witch goes out and cries: "The witch goes out for a walk!" and begins to chase the players with the twigs. The player who is struck by the witch's twig, becomes her "son" and they quickly run the camp. All the rest players chase them striking them with the twigs. Then "the witch" goes out for the second time. Now she holds her "son" by his twig and they chase the players together. But it is only "the witch", who may strike the players with the twig. Her "son" may only detain the player. But the player becomes the witch's captive only when she strikes him/her with the twig. New captives become witch's "children". They hold each other by the twigs, so they make a chain. As the new player is caught the chain breaks and they together run to the witch's camp, being chased by the other players. The witch's "children" must also save themselves (to run to the camp) if the chain is broken by one of the players or if "the witch" forgets to say her words: "The witch goes out for a walk!" The player who strikes the witch's children not in time becomes witch's "son". The game finishes when all the players become witch's children or when she catches more than 4-5 players.