Not to the Point

The leader asks the players different questions. The player who is asked a question must give on answer which is not related to the question. The leader, for example, asks: "Do you like our party?" and the player answers "I went to the cinema" etc. The player who answers this question "yes" or "no" or "I don't know" pays the forfeit. The game is played at a rapid rate. If the player doesn't answer the question while the leader counts "one, two, three", he/she pays the forfeit. The leader mustn't ask one and the same person more than 3 questions running. The leader tries to confuse the players c.f. The leader asks: "Do you like our party?" The player answers: "The weather is bad". The leader provokes him/her asking: "Is the weather bad?" The player answer "yes". As it is against the rules the player must pay forfeit (or fulfill the leader's task).

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